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Good research practice and other ethical issues

As a doctoral student, you will encounter several ethical issues. Ethical issues in research can span a wide range, from formal permission in connection to trials involving animals or humans, to issues of misconduct in research.

Good research practice can be described as the overall ethical requirements for how research should be conducted. Serious deviations from good research practice may be, for example, misconduct in research.

Swedish legislation that came into force in January 2020 defines “misconduct in research” as serious deviation from good research practice in the form of fabrication, falsification or plagiarism. Other deviations from good research practice can also be considered serious.

Managing suspicions of serious deviations from good research practice

In case of suspicion of serious deviations from good research practice, the University's Management Order (Högskolans Hanteringsordning vid misstanke om allvarliga avvikelser från god forskningssed) shall be applied. By suspicion means that on the basis on concrete circumstances, serious deviations from good research practice are believed to be committed in research.

Management Order (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.

More information about good research practice

More information about good research practice and serious deviations from good research practice can be found on the University’s staff website.

Good research practice on the staff website External link.

Ethics review and personal data in research

The University's staff web site contains links to publications and websites with information on, among other things, how the researcher should deal with integrity sensitive material as well as links to some of the ethical rules and guidelines that apply in research.

Ethics review and personal data in research on the staff website External link.

Questions about good research practice, ethics review and personal data in research

If you have more general questions about good research practice as well as ethical review and personal data in research, you are welcome to contact the University’s research support:



