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Employment as a doctoral student

Those who are employed as doctoral students must primarily focus on their doctoral studies.

A doctoral student is employed until further notice, but only until a certain point in time and never for longer than one year after completing the doctoral education. The first employment may be for a maximum of one year and may then be renewed for a maximum of two years at a time. If a doctoral student so requests, employment may be for work on a part-time basis, but not less than 50% of full-time hours. It is possible to be employed as a doctoral student for eight years at most, but the total employment period may not be longer than the equivalent of full-time doctoral employment for four years. The employment period may be longer than that stated above if there are special reasons, such as a student taking out parental leave.

Departmental duties

It is common for doctoral students to have some form of departmental duties alongside the studies, such as administration, research or teaching. Such work may not comprise of more than 20% of full-time working hours, over the entire duration of the doctoral education. It is important to distinguish between the time spent on studies and the time spent working at the department, this shall be regulated in the individual study plan, but other ways may also occur.


The salary for doctoral students is regulated in a local collective agreement, ”Avtal om lönestege för innehavare av anställning som doktorand”, in which the salary is adjusted in accordance with the progress the doctoral student makes in his/her training. This progress shall be stated in the doctoral student's individual study plan where progression is noted.

Work Environment

Halmstad University has the responsibility for all employees' work environment, and this includes doctoral students employed at the University.



