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Doctoral level degree

Once you have completed your studies and wish to get a degree, you must apply for a degree certificate yourself.

Applying for a degree certificate

The doctoral student applies for a degree certificate at Student Affairs by filling out the form Applying for degree certificate, research studies.

Before submitting the application for a degree certificate, the doctoral student must make sure that:

  • all courses are completed and registered in Ladok,
  • the doctoral thesis/licentiate thesis is approved,
  • and that the date for the public defence of the doctoral thesis/licentiate seminar is registered in Ladok.

If the information mentioned above is incomplete, please contact the Ladok administrator. Please find contact details in the chapter Ladok.

Both the principal supervisor and you as a doctoral student must agree on which courses are to be included in the exam. You must also both sign the application.

Application for degree certificate, research studies Pdf, 122.4 kB, opens in new window.

Degrees at doctoral level at Halmstad University

Halmstad University has the right to award the following degrees:

Licentiate degrees

  • Degree of Licentiate of Philosophy in the subject Health and Lifestyle, specialisation: Disability Studies, Sports Psychology, Nursing Science,
  • Degree of Licentiate of Philosophy in the subject Informatics,
  • Degree of Licentiate of Science in Business and Economics, Degree of Licentiate of Philosophy or Degree of Licentiate of Engineering in the subject Innovation Sciences, specialisation: Business Administration, Industrial Management,
  • Degree of Licentiate of Engineering in the subject Computer Science and Engineering,
  • Degree of Licentiate of Engineering in the subject Signals and Systems Engineering

Doctoral degrees

  • Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject Health and Lifestyle, specialisation: Disability Studies, Sports Psychology, Nursing Science,
  • Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject Informatics,
  • Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject Innovation Sciences,
    specialisation: Business Administration, Industrial Management,
  • Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject Computer Science and Engineering,
  • Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject Signals and Systems Engineering
Diploma with a green ribbon being passed from one hand to another. Photo.



