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Center for Applied Intelligent Systems Research (CAISR)

The Center for Applied Intelligent Systems Research (CAISR), is a long-term research investment in applied artificial intelligence and machine learning at Halmstad University. The research is carried out in collaboration with Swedish industry and is funded by the Knowledge Foundation and Vinnova. CAISR’s research focus is “aware” intelligent systems.

CAISR is a multidisciplinary research center with researchers from different areas. Our research directions are governed by the needs of society and are done in collaboration with our industrial partners.

Collaboration and organisation

CAISR is closely linked to the research profile CAISR Health, the industrial research centre Health Data Centre, the innovation centre Leap for Life, the lab Halmstad Intelligent Home and Technology Area Aware Intelligent Systems:

CAISR Partners

  • Affecto Sweden
  • AI Sweden
  • Air Liquide
  • Alfa Laval
  • Berkeley University
  • Chicago University
  • CGI
  • Cubist
  • EasyServ Sweden
  • Essity
  • European DLB Consortium
  • FacePhi Biometria Ltd.
  • Getinge
  • Hallandia V
  • Halland municipalities (Falkenberg, Halmstad, Hylte, Kungsbacka and Varberg)
  • Harvard Medical School
  • HEM (Halmstad Energi och Miljö)
  • High Five
  • HMS Industrial Networks
  • HotSwap Norden
  • Karolinska Institute
  • Linköping University Hospital
  • Lund University
  • NEAT Electronics
  • Novartis
  • Novo Nordisk
  • Region Halland
  • Region Skåne
  • Region Stockholm
  • Region Västra Götaland
  • Region Örebro län
  • RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden)
  • Sahlgrenska at Gothenburg University
  • SKR (Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions)
  • Stena Recycling
  • Sydpumpen
  • Takeda
  • Tappa Service
  • Toyota Material Handling
  • Viscando
  • Volvo Technology / Volvo Group Trucks Technology
  • Volvo Bus Corporation
  • Volvo Group Connected Solutions
  • Volvo Trucks Corporation
  • Öresundskraft

With support from the Knowledge Foundation External link.

CAISR Management

CAISR Industrial Advisory Board

The CAISR partners have decided to create an Industrial advisory board (IAB), consisting of representatives from each industrial partner. This group will follow the project development with respect to the co-production and co-operation between the Parties. The Industrial Advisory Group will meet twice a year. The Industrial Advisory Group will express themselves on issues of potential new partners in the project, changes in financing and project development from business perspective.

CAISR Reference Group

The reference group consists mainly of representatives from national and international research institutions. The reference group gives advice and comment on the project development from the academic perspective, not least by the University’s perspective. They will also give their view on research, innovation and education perspectives. The reference group can also provide suggestions for concrete actions to improve the project.

CAISR staff

Research projects and application areas

The mission of CAISR is to serve and promote the development of industry and society. It is a center for industrially motivated research on the future technologies for and application opportunities with aware intelligent systems. CAISR will serve as a partner for industry's own research and development, as a recruitment base for those who seek staff with state-of-the-art knowledge in intelligent systems technologies, and as a competence resource for industry and society. Read more about the research focus and application areas of CAISR:

Application Areas at CAISR: information driven care and intelligent vehicles & predictive maintenance

Links to articles about CAISR researchers and research projects can be found under ’Articles’ below. The research projects are also described on the page for research projects within ITE:

Research projects within ITE


Scientific articles published by CAISR researchers are collected under:

Publications CAISR

Articles about CAISR researchers:

Articles about CAISR research projects:

A woman is standing infront of a red wall holding a mobile phone wearing a face-mask.
An illustration of a head surrounded by a microchip. The word machine learning is seen.
A print with several small portraits of people on the front and the text CAISR annual report 2022. Photo.



